Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Classification of Architecture

1.1 Architecture is transformed Solid State Matter, made; for the expressed purpose of containing, protecting, and propagating life.

a few paraphrased quotations, italics for emphasis

1.2 "Whether organic or inorganic, matter is all one. For the moment, vitalism (life) is a strict organism...only to be distinguished from preceding forces, to (by) transform raw matter into organic matter."
Deleuze, Gilles. The Fold - Leibniz and the Baroque: The Pleats of Matter 

1.3 "When a tree is configured to function as a wood column or beam, it is one set of properties cellulose that is selected for expression; or more properly, it is the geometry of vascular bundling that selects the properties of cellulose and conveys their felicitous rigidities and flexibilities to the macroscopic scale of the building itself.

On the other hand, when a tree is configured into a log for burning, it is the fire itself - that exists already inside the wood, only dormant or infinity slowed - that is selected for expression or release.

These two forms of expression, chemical and tectonic, are of exactly the same order of physical reality."
Kwinter, Sanford. The Atlas of Novel Tectonics: The Judo of Cold Combustion.

1.4 "The making of Architecture is a major coalescing activity in society, bringing together many flows into a single complex stream. In classical terms, architecture is a socially significant synthesis of the old antitheses: public/private, art/science, capital/labor." material/manufacture, resource/extraction, social/culture, political/ideology, individual/society, complexity/singularity,  just to add a few more.
Woods, Lebbeus. War and Architecture: Architecture is the Embodiment of Knowledge. 


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